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6 Ways to Make New Friends as an Adult
For most people, it’s harder to make friends as an adult than when young. This article provides the top six tips from friendship and relationship experts on how to make new friends as an adult. They include: reframing loneliness as simply an indicator of a basic need; people have different types of needs that take several friends to fulfill; purposefully look for places where interactions wi... posted on May 24 2024, 3,264 reads


Between Earth & Sky
Discover the awe-inspiring journey of healing and perseverance of renowned ecologist, Nalini Nadkarni, as she investigates the impact of ecological disturbances on the rainforest canopy and parallels this exploration with her own life. From surviving a near-death fall to a lifelong commitment to unearthing the secrets of the forest, Nalini personifies resilience and communion with a life force gre... posted on May 23 2024, 1,140 reads


Learning the Language of Plants
Jessica J. Lee and Zoë Schlanger delve into the intricate world of plant intelligence, memory, and cultural belonging. Their new books offer fresh perspectives on the interconnectedness between humans and plants. Schlanger, inspired by the profound vitality of plants, discusses their intelligence and adaptability, challenging conventional notions of consciousness. Lee, reflecting on the histo... posted on May 22 2024, 1,629 reads


The Cities Stripping Concrete for Plants
Communities in Europe, Australia, Canada, and the US are organizing efforts to replace unnecessary concrete and infrastructure with plants and soil. These efforts help reduce flooding, prevent toxic runoff, and add shade that helps keep people cool during heatwaves. The local availability of mini green spaces may also improve mental health, and benefit bees and other wildlife. While communities ne... posted on May 21 2024, 1,009 reads


Small Sounds of the Past
"In Praise of Listening" by Christian McEwen celebrates the profound impact of sound on our memories and experiences. Through evocative stories like Alice Cozzolino's pasta-making rituals with her mother and Eleanor Adams' childhood memories of island life, McEwen reminds us of the power of sound to transport us back in time. In a world filled with noise, these memories serve as reminders to liste... posted on May 20 2024, 1,535 reads


The Sounds of Invisible Worlds
Karen Bakker (1971-2023) takes us on a journey into the hidden realms of sound that surround us every day. From the gentle hum of insects to the intricate melodies of underwater creatures, she celebrates the interbeing of auditory experiences often overlooked in our bustling modern lives. Drawing on insights from researchers and sound artists, she highlights the diverse range of sounds produced by... posted on May 18 2024, 1,222 reads


What If Money Expired?
We are surrounded by useful myths: money is one of them. Yet many times, the myths we interact with on a daily basis go unchallenged: we experience the impact of the collective shared belief in the myth – the benefits and the costs – yet take it for granted that we can question whether the myth is serving its intended purpose, or has been hijacked.  Silvio Gesell questioned the my... posted on May 17 2024, 1,151 reads


Listening to Stones
Thought leader Don Hill and renowned Blackfoot elder and scholar Leroy Little Bear explore “different visions of reality” on their hike to the archaeological site, Writing-on-Stone, in Alberta, Canada. They conversed with one another, but also with wind, hoodoos, petroglyphs, local birds, insects and surroundings exploring “ways of knowing.” Little Bear explained that life ... posted on May 16 2024, 1,956 reads


ChatGPT: A Partner in Unknowing
Writer and adaptive leadership trainer Dana Karout takes us through a insightful exploration in her essay on how ChatGPT is mere a reflection of our own limited ways of viewing the world. In her work with students and in building capacity with individuals and communities to hold conflict and navigate complexity across various levels of authority, she looks into how ChatGPT gets us, humans, to what... posted on May 15 2024, 2,990 reads


When the Lights Went Out
Never underestimate the power of caring, creativity and collaboration. During a presentation in India, one woman finds herself in total power shutdown. Complete darkness! But then, a spark of light from an audience member's phone glimmers. That spark ignited a chain reaction of lights from the crowd, illuminating the whole venue -- a reminder that even in the darkest moment, we're not alone.... posted on May 14 2024, 1,741 reads


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The height of your accomplishments will equal the depth of your convictions.
William F. Scolavino

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